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Few Hollywood actors of the first magnitude, among which are Bruce Willis and Tom Cruise put up for sale their homes.


According to the American press, many Hollywood stars at the moment put up for sale their houses and penthouses. However, the sale can not be called, American celebrities are constantly buying and selling real estate.

Homes, usually located in the most prestigious areas of California and new York and cost tens of millions of dollars.


Renee Zellweger


Ranch in Connecticut + house in new York
$ 1.6 million. + $ 4.4 million.

​ Renee Zellweger's Ranch ​

Bruce Willis


Villa in Beverly hills $ 18 million.

​ Bruce Willis' Villa ​

Bruce Willis' villa

Sarah Jessica Parker

f501ae6ecf30f8dd8a6d2ff70ec5037b.jpg Townhouse in new York to 19.9 million dollars.

​ Sarah Jessica Parker's Townhouse in new York ​

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Living room furniture

Without furniture it is impossible to imagine any room. For the main room of the house - a living room, there are several types. Living room furniture: for relaxation, for technology and books, additional. To create a common image of the interior of the living room, the furniture should be made in a single style, the color scheme.