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Argentina: 4.6 murders per 100,000 inhabitants.

During the first six months of 2020, Argentine authorities registered 1,044 murders, which is slightly less than the number of murders recorded during the same period in 2019, according to Security Minister Sabine Frederic and the National Criminal Intelligence Service. This allowed the country to record 2,088 murders at the end of the year and a murder rate of 4.6 per 100,000 inhabitants, which is slightly lower than the total number of murders in 2019.

The city of Rosario, the largest in the central province of Santa Fe, located on the banks of the Paraná River - a strategic location for criminals - has recorded the highest number of murders in the last five years. Many of the murders are believed to be the result of clashes between drug trafficking organizations fighting for control of the growing local market. It is reported that firearms were used in almost 80% of the murders.

Argentina's strategic position and growing consumer market have made it an important transshipment point for illegal drugs as well as for the global arms trade. Many of the potential buyers of powerful weapons passing through the country are powerful prison gangs from neighboring countries such as Brazil and Paraguay.

криминал Аргентина



A murder was committed during 2018

autonomous city

Buenos Aires

Buenos Aires 878
Catamarca 14
Chaco 68
Chubut 50
Cordova 119
Corrientes 48
Entre-Rios 62
Formosa 41
Jujuy 9
La-Pampa 7
La-Rioja 8
Mendoza 90
Misiones 49
Neuquen 31
Rio-Negro 29
Salta 68
San-Juan 14
San-Luis 8
Santa-Cruz 16
Santa-Fe 324
Santiago-del-Estero 47
Tierra del Fuego 5
Tucuman 141
Total for Argentina 2 222

On average, 6 people are killed in Argentina per day.

Premeditated murders, the number of victims by year from 2014 to 2019

Умышленные убийства в Аргентине с 2014 по 2019 годы


Число погибших в ДТП В Аргентине

The number of deaths in road accidents (2018)

autonomous city

Buenos Aires

Buenos Aires 938
Catamarca н/д
Chaco 142
Chubut 39
Cordova н/д
Corrientes н/д
Entre-Rios 114
Formosa 82
Jujuy 66
La-Pampa 22
La-Rioja 59
Mendoza 121
Misiones 175
Neuquen 65
Rio-Negro 65
Salta 150
San-Juan 93
San-Luis 78
Santa-Cruz 23
Santa-Fe 334
Santiago-del-Estero 183
Tierra del Fuego 6
Tucuman 284
Total for Argentina 3 672

On average, 10 people per day die in road accidents.

статистика изнасилований по Аргентине

The number of rapes in 2018

autonomous city

Buenos Aires

Buenos Aires 1 820
Catamarca н/д
Chaco 78
Chubut 229
Cordova н/д
Corrientes н/д
Entre-Rios 82
Formosa 108
Jujuy 253
La-Pampa 10
La-Rioja 86
Mendoza 360
Misiones 383
Neuquen 34
Rio-Negro 83
Salta 446
San-Juan 17
San-Luis 65
Santa-Cruz 80
Santa-Fe 165
Santiago-del-Estero 133
Tierra del Fuego 48
Tucuman 270
Total for Argentina 5 453

On average, 15 women are abused per day.

кражи в Аргентине

The number of thefts in Argentina (2018)

autonomous city

Buenos Aires

63 345
Buenos Aires 145 810
Catamarca 4 849
Chaco 5 937
Chubut 4 465
Cordova 63 792
Corrientes 5 448
Entre-Rios 9 409
Formosa 2 953
Jujuy 6 817
La-Pampa 838
La-Rioja 2 822
Mendoza 28 724
Misiones 6 835
Neuquen 13 931
Rio-Negro 7 863
Salta 18 237
San-Juan 7 723
San-Luis 2 170
Santa-Cruz 2 613
Santa-Fe 45 412
Santiago-del-Estero 9 257
Tierra del Fuego 714
Tucuman 18 636
Total for Argentina 478 600

On average, 1,311 thefts are committed per day.


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