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flag of Andorra


The official name is the Principality of Andorra

The capital is Andorra la Vella.

The occupied area is 476.63

The population for 2022 is 79,824 people.

The number of subjects is 7 parishes

The language is Catalan

Currency - Euro (center)

Date of foundation - September 8, 1278 (VII century BC)

How to get a residence permit and permanent residence

🏠 Where to find housing - или

🧮 Taxes of Andorra

паспорт Андорры - view information about the passport rating

The period for obtaining citizenship by naturalization - from 10 to 20 years (compare with other countries)

🇦🇩 The Principality of Andorra is a sovereign microstate on the Iberian Peninsula. It borders France in the north and Spain in the south. The Principality is headed by two co-rulers: the Bishop of Urquel from Catalonia (Spain) and the President of France.

The capital, Andorra la Vella, is the highest mountain capital in Europe. It is located at an altitude of 1,023 meters above sea level

There are several ethnic groups living in the country:

  • 48.8% Andorrans,
  • 25.1% Spaniards,
  • 12% Portuguese,
  • 4.4% French,
  • 9.7% are other.

The religion of Andorra is Christianity (Catholicism).

туризм в Андорре

Tourism is the main source of income for the country, accounting for about 80% of GDP. It is estimated that 10.2 million tourists come here every year, attracted by Andorra's duty-free status and its summer and winter resorts.

Statistical data



количество населения

79 824

The period of obtaining citizenship by naturalization

Срок получения гражданства по натурализации

 10-20 years

Gross domestic product (GDP)


$ 3 352 MM

($ 44 107 per capita)

↑ The more, the better

Human Development Index (HDI)



↑ The more, the better

Corruption Perception Index

Индекс восприятия коррупции

no data

↑ The more, the better

Rating for the protection of property rights

Рейтинг верховенства права

no data

↑ The more, the better

The number of prisoners per 100,000 people

Количество заключённых


Security Index

Индекс безопасности

no data

↓ The less, the better

Unemployment rate

Уровень безработицы




Income tax:

  • Corporate tax — 2-10%
  • Personal tax — 0-10%

VAT — 4,5%

Environmental Performance Index

Индекс экологической эффективности

no data

↑ The more, the better

Happiness Index

Индекс счастья

no data

↑ The more, the better

The number of suicides per 100,000 people

Число самоубийств на 100 тыс. чел.

no data

↓ The less, the better

The number of cancer patients per 100,000 people

Число онкобольных на 100 000 чел.

no data

↓ The less, the better

Deaths from cancer per 100,000 people

Погибших от рака на каждые 100 000 чел.

no data (% from the number of patients)

↓ The less, the better

Life expectancy, years

Ожидаемая продолжительность жизни


↑ The more, the better

Healthy life expectancy, years

Ожидаемая продолжительность здоровой жизни

no data

↑ The more, the better

Parishes of Andorra

Приходы Андорры на карте

  • Andorra la Vella — is the capital of Andorra, the most populous parish.
  • Canillo is considered the religious center of Andorra with a Sanctuary and Chapel of Our Lady of Meritxel, the patron saint of Andorra. One of the best preserved Romanesque churches in the Pyrenees, Sant Joan de Caselles, is located here.
  • Encamp — located on the Valira d River'Orient. The highest mountain in the parish is Pic dels Pessons (2,865 m).
  • Escaldes-Engordany is the second most populous city after Andorra la Vella. The city's jazz festival is held here every year.
  • La Massana is a very mountainous area, it contains the highest mountain of Andorra, Coma Pedrosa (2,942 m).
  • Ordino is located in the valley of the Valira del Nord River. Here is the Sorten National Park, the largest natural area of Andorra.
  • San Julia de Loria is located in the south of the country, is the lowest settlement in Andorra at an altitude of 908 m.

Each parish has an elected mayor, who is the nominal head of the local government, known as comú in Catalan.

The nature of Andorra

Природа Андорры

Due to its location in the mountain range of the eastern Pyrenees, Andorra consists mainly of rocky mountains. The tallest of them is Coma Pedrosa, 2,942 meters high. The average height of Andorra is 1,996 meters. Coniferous and mixed forests mainly grow here.

Природа Андорры

Природа Андорры

The climate is alpine, continental and oceanic, depending on the altitude above sea level. The uneven terrain causes a wide variety of microclimates in the country, which prevent the dominance of the high-altitude climate.

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