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flag of Belarus


The official name is the Republic of Belarus

The capital is Minsk.

The occupied area is 207,600 km2

The population for 2024 is 9,155,978 people.

The number of subjects is 7

Language - Belarusian, Russian

Currency - Belarusian ruble (kopeck)

Date of foundation - September 19, 1991

🏠 Where to find housing -

паспорт Беларуси - view information about the passport rating

The period for obtaining citizenship by naturalization - 7 years (compare with other countries)

🇧🇾 The Republic of Belarus borders Lithuania in the northwest, Poland in the west, Latvia in the north, Russia in the east and northeast, and Ukraine in the south.

провинции Беларуси


Belarus is divided into the following regions:


Regions Capital
Брестская область Brest region Brest
Витебская область Vitebsk region Vitebsk
Гомельская область Gomel region Gomel
Гродненская область Grodno region Grodno
Минская область Minsk region Minsk
Могилёвская область Mogilev region Mogilev
Минск флаг Minsk


Statistical data



количество населения

9 155 978

The period of obtaining citizenship by naturalization

Срок получения гражданства по натурализации

 7 years

Gross domestic product (GDP)


$ 72 793 MM

($ 7 477 per capita)

↑ The more, the better

Human Development Index (HDI)



↑ The more, the better

Corruption Perception Index

Индекс восприятия коррупции


↑ The more, the better

Rating for the protection of property rights

Рейтинг верховенства права

no data

↑ The more, the better

The number of prisoners per 100,000 people

Количество заключённых


Security Index

Индекс безопасности


↓ The less, the better

Unemployment rate

Уровень безработицы




Income tax:

  • Corporate tax — 18%
  • Personal tax — 12%

VAT — 20%

Environmental Performance Index

Индекс экологической эффективности


↑ The more, the better

Happiness Index

Индекс счастья


↑ The more, the better

The number of suicides per 100,000 people

Число самоубийств на 100 тыс. чел.


↓ The less, the better

The number of cancer patients per 100,000 people

Число онкобольных на 100 000 чел.


↓ The less, the better

Deaths from cancer per 100,000 people

Погибших от рака на каждые 100 000 чел.

117,6 (47,63% from the number of patients)

↓ The less, the better

Life expectancy, years

Ожидаемая продолжительность жизни


↑ The more, the better

Healthy life expectancy, years

Ожидаемая продолжительность здоровой жизни


↑ The more, the better

Geography and nature of Belarus

беларусь  природа

The territory is mostly flat with rare elevations.The climate of Belarus is moderately continental. The average summer temperature ranges from +17°C to +19°C, winter temperature from -4.5°C to -8°C. The average annual rainfall is from 500-800 mm. The largest number comes in the autumn-winter period. The thickness of the snow cover in forests can reach 1-1.2 meters. The main river of Belarus is the Dnieper. Forests cover about 38.8% of the country's territory.


More than 130 ethnic groups live on the territory of Belarus:

  • 84.9 % are Belarusians;
  • 7.5 % are Russian;
  • 3.1 % are Poles;
  • 1.7 % are Ukrainians;

as well as Jews, Armenians, Tatars, Gypsies, Azerbaijanis, Lithuanians, Turkmens, Germans, Georgians and others.

In Belarus, approximately 85% of the population consider themselves religious, of which 68% are adherents of the Russian Orthodox Church (Belarusian Exarchate), 14% belong to the Roman Catholic Church and 3% consider themselves to be other religious groups.

Main sights

1. Nesvizh Castle (Nesvizh)

Несвижский замок (Несвиж)


2. Mir Castle (Mir)

Мирский замок (Мир)


3. Brest Fortress (Brest)

Брестская крепость (Брест)

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Living room furniture

Without furniture it is impossible to imagine any room. For the main room of the house - a living room, there are several types. Living room furniture: for relaxation, for technology and books, additional. To create a common image of the interior of the living room, the furniture should be made in a single style, the color scheme.