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The official name is the Kingdom of Belgium

The capital is Brussels.

The occupied area is 30,528 square kilometers.

The population for 2022 is 11,584,008 people.

The number of subjects is 11 provinces

Language - Dutch, French, German

Currency - Euro (center)

The date of foundation is October 4, 1830.

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🧮 Taxes in Belgium

паспорт Бельгии - view information about the passport rating

The period for obtaining citizenship by naturalization is 5 years (compare with other countries)

🇧🇪 Kingdom of Belgium (нидерл. België, фр. Belgique, нем. Belgien) — a country in Northwestern Europe. It borders the Netherlands to the north, Germany to the east, Luxembourg in the south-east, France in the south-west, in the north-west it is washed by the North Sea.

Belgium's economy and its transport infrastructure are integrated with the rest of Europe. The country is characterized by a high-productivity workforce, high GNP and high exports per capita. The main exports are machinery and equipment, chemicals, finished diamonds, metals and products made from them, as well as food.

Statistical data



количество населения

11 584 008

The period of obtaining citizenship by naturalization

Срок получения гражданства по натурализации

 5 years

Gross domestic product (GDP)


$ 578 604 MM

($ 53 656 per capita)

↑ The more, the better

Human Development Index (HDI)



↑ The more, the better

Corruption Perception Index

Индекс восприятия коррупции


↑ The more, the better

Rating for the protection of property rights

Рейтинг верховенства права


↑ The more, the better

The number of prisoners per 100,000 people

Количество заключённых


Security Index

Индекс безопасности


↓ The less, the better

Unemployment rate

Уровень безработицы




Income tax:

  • Corporate tax — 25%
  • Personal tax — от 25 до 50%

VAT — 21%

Environmental Performance Index

Индекс экологической эффективности


↑ The more, the better

Happiness Index

Индекс счастья


↑ The more, the better

The number of suicides per 100,000 people

Число самоубийств на 100 тыс. чел.


↓ The less, the better

The number of cancer patients per 100,000 people

Число онкобольных на 100 000 чел.


↓ The less, the better

Deaths from cancer per 100,000 people

Погибших от рака на каждые 100 000 чел.

101,0 (31,28% от кол-ва больных)

↓ The less, the better

Life expectancy, years

Ожидаемая продолжительность жизни


↑ The more, the better

Healthy life expectancy, years

Ожидаемая продолжительность здоровой жизни


↑ The more, the better

Provinces of Belgium

Province Capital Area, sq. km Population
(January 1, 2019)
Brussels-Capital Region
 Brussels-Capital Region The city of Brussels 162,4 1 208 542
The Flemish region
 Antwerp Antwerp 2876 1 857 986
 East Flanders Ghent 3007 1 515 064
 Flemish Brabant Leven 2118 1 146 175
 Limburg Hasselt 2427 874 048
 West Flanders Brugge 3197 1 195 796
Walloon region
 Eno Mons 3813 1 344 241
 Vassal Vassal 3857 1 106 992
 Luxembourg Arlon 4459 284 638
 Namur Namur 3675 494 325
 Walloon Brabant Wavr 1097 403 599

The population of Belgium

In terms of population density, Belgium ranks 22nd among the most populous countries in the world, and 6th among European countries.

There are not many foreigners in the country. Statbel has published data on the population of Belgium in relation to the origin of people in Belgium. According to them, as of January 1, 2021, 67.3% of the Belgian population had ethnic Belgian origin, 32.7% were of foreign origin or nationality, while 20.3% of persons of foreign citizenship or ethnic group came from neighboring countries.

Belgium has three official languages: Dutch, French and German. At the same time, about 60% of the population are native speakers of Dutch (Flemish), about 39% of the population speaks French. German is spoken by over 73,000 people, mostly living in the east of the Walloon region.

Бельгия фото

According to Eurobarometer, 37% of Belgian citizens believe in the existence of God. 60.7% of the total population adheres to Christianity:

  • 52.9% are adherents of Catholicism,
  • 2.1% are Protestants,
  • 1.6% are Orthodox.

Non-religious people made up 32.0% of the population, including 14.9% atheists and 17.1% agnostics. Another 5.2% of the population are Muslims, and 2.1% profess other religions.

The nature of Belgium

Бельгия природа фото

The climate of Belgium is temperate maritime with significant rainfall at any time of the year. Its territory contains mixed forests and Western European broadleaf forests.

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