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флаг Словакии


The official name is the Slovak Republic

Capital - Bratislava

The occupied area is 49,034 square kilometers.

The population for 2022 is 5,466,965 people.

The number of subjects is 8 regions

The language is Slovak

Currency - Euro (center)

Date of foundation - January 1, 1993

How to get a residence permit and citizenship

🏠 Where to find housing - и или

🧮 Taxes in Slovakia

® How to open a business in Slovakia

Паспорт Словакии - view information about the passport rating

The period for obtaining citizenship by naturalization - 8 years (compare with other countries)

🇸🇰 Slovakia (sl. Slovensko) or the Slovak Republic (Slovenská republika) is a small country in the center of Europe, known for its beautiful mountains, picturesque villages and rich history. The main city is Bratislava, which is located on the border with Austria and Hungary. The capital of Slovakia attracts tourists with its medieval castles, museums and cozy streets.

One of the most popular tourist destinations in Slovakia are the Tatras – high mountain ranges covered with forests and lakes, which are perfect for winter and summer holidays. In addition, Slovakia is known for its thermal springs, waterfalls and castles, which are scattered throughout the country. Slovakia has a rich cultural heritage, which is manifested in its folk music, traditional art and architecture. Local fairs and festivals allow tourists to plunge into the world of folk customs and traditions.

Slovakia is also famous for its cuisine, which is dominated by dishes from meat, potatoes, cabbage and dairy products. The national dish is considered to be cheese pies, which are definitely worth trying when visiting the country.

Regions of Slovakia

Регионы Словакии на карте

region Area,
The central city
Banskobistritsky 9 455 Banska Bystrica
Bratislava 2 052 Bratislava
Zhilinsky 6 801 Zhilin
Koshitsky 6 752 Kosice
Nitranski 6 344 Nitra
Presovsky 8 981 Precious
Trenchinsky 4 502 Trenchin
Trnavsky 4 147 Trnava

Statistical data



количество населения

5 466 965

The period of obtaining citizenship by naturalization

Срок получения гражданства по натурализации

 8 years

Gross domestic product (GDP)


$ 115 468 MM

($ 32 350 per capita)

↑ The more, the better

Human Development Index (HDI)



↑ The more, the better

Corruption Perception Index

Индекс восприятия коррупции


↑ The more, the better

Rating for the protection of property rights

Рейтинг верховенства права


↑ The more, the better

The number of prisoners per 100 thousand people

Количество заключённых


Security Index

Индекс безопасности


↓ The less, the better

Unemployment rate

Уровень безработицы




Income tax:

  • Corporate tax — 21%
  • Personal tax — 19% / 25%

VAT — 20%

Environmental Performance Index

Индекс экологической эффективности


↑ The more, the better

Happiness Index

Индекс счастья


↑ The more, the better

The number of suicides per 100 thousand people

Число самоубийств на 100 тыс. чел.


↓ The less, the better

The number of cancer patients per 100,000 people

Число онкобольных на 100 000 чел.


↓ The less, the better

Deaths from cancer per 100,000 people

Погибших от рака на каждые 100 000 чел.

140,7 (48,45% from the number of patients)

↓ The less, the better

Life expectancy

Ожидаемая продолжительность жизни


↑ The more, the better

Healthy life expectancy

Ожидаемая продолжительность здоровой жизни


↑ The more, the better

The population and languages of Slovakia

According to the 2021 census, the majority of Slovakia's inhabitants are Slovakia (83.82%), and the country also has:

  • 7.75% are Hungarians;
  • 1.23% are Gypsies; 
  • 0.53% are Czechs.

In 2018, the average age of the Slovak population was 41 years old.

The official language is Slovak, belonging to the Slavic language group. Hungarian is widely spoken in the southern regions of Slovakia. In some municipalities, it has an official status, where the number of speakers according to the census results is 15% or more.


According to the 2021 census:

  • 55.8% of the population identified themselves as Roman Catholics, 
  • 5.3% Lutherans, 
  • 1.6% Calvinists, 
  • 4% Greek Catholics, 
  • 0.9% Orthodox, 
  • 23.8% atheists or non-religious people, 
  • 6.5% did not answer this question.

There are 18 State-registered religions in Slovakia, of which 16 are Christian, one is Jewish and one is the Baha'i faith. In 2016, the Slovak parliament passed a new bill that would prevent Islam and other religious organizations from becoming state-recognized religions, doubling the minimum threshold for the number of followers from 25,000 to 50,000. However, the then President of Slovakia, Andrei Kiska, vetoed the bill.

In 2010, there were about 5,000 Muslims in Slovakia, which was less than 0.1% of the country's population. Slovakia is the only state in the European Union that does not have mosques.

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