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What do they really write on Python? The scope of Python

All programming languages have their own purpose and specification. Python is no exception. It is not universal, but it is used not only for web applications and websites, as many people think. Let's find out what is written in Python, what opportunities and prospects will open up to you after learning this language.

How to learn JavaScript correctly: where to start and what plan to study

It seems to be simple - you start from the beginning, you move towards the end. But, where did it start and in what order should the JS topics be held? Let's find out how to learn JavaScript correctly in order to understand what has been passed, not to be disappointed and not to burn out.

How to open a Turkish bank account

We will learn how to open a Turkish bank account for a foreigner in 2022. If you have a residence permit, we have already written how to apply for a residence permit in Turkey, then opening a bank account is not difficult. It is impossible to open an account for a foreigner who does not have a residence permit and a permanent residence address in the territory of the Republic of Turkey.

Living room furniture

Without furniture it is impossible to imagine any room. For the main room of the house - a living room, there are several types. Living room furniture: for relaxation, for technology and books, additional. To create a common image of the interior of the living room, the furniture should be made in a single style, the color scheme.